Amelie Hagelauer Receives IEEE UFFC Early Career Investigator Award

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Congratulations to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Amelie Hagelauer for winning the 2021 IEEE UFFC Early Career Investigator Award!

Prof. Hagelauer graduated at LTE in 2007 with her diploma thesis. In 2013, she received her PhD at LTE and subsequently worked as a group leader and postdoctoral researcher at the chair. In 2019, she was appointed to the W3 professorship „Communications Electronics“ at the University of Bayreuth. Since September 1st 2021, she leads the Chair of Micro- and Nanosystems Technology at the TU Munich (TUM). The appointment was a collaborative effort between the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of TUM and the Fraunhofer Research Institution for Microsystems and Solid State Technologies EMFT.

The LTE wishes Amelie Hagelauer all the best and congratulates her once again!