Jens Kirchner and Sebastian Meyer Publish Book „Scientific Working Techniques for STEM Fields“

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In July 2022, the book „Wissenschaftliche Arbeitstechniken für die MINT-Fächer“ was published by Springer Verlag. What was initially a collection of slides for students with tips and typical mistakes of their theses, quickly developed into an official course (Wissenschaftliche Arbeitstechniken für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler (WAIN)) from which the book was finally developed.

The goal of the book is to teach the basic techniques of scientific work that students need when writing theses and later doctoral dissertations. Special novelty value offers the interpretation for subjects of engineering and natural sciences as well as computer science and mathematics. Topics covered in the book include literature research and citation, outlining and structuring, displaying information, presenting, and especially the implementation of all this in LaTeX.