LTE at the 11th „Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften“

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The Institute for Electronics Engineering was represented at the 11th „Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften“ on 21.10.2023. Exciting experiments and current research results were presented to the numerous visitors. Our chair was represented with several experimental setups:

  • Radar measurement
    • Velocity measurement of a kicker ball
    • Non-contact live detection of vibrations
    • FMCW Radar
  • Digital high-speed data transmission
  • Radio link with analog and digital modulation methods
  • Historical curve recorder
  • Other hardware demonstrators

The time until midnight was filled with demonstrations, informative explanations and inspiring conversations.
Many thanks to Jasmin Gabsteiger, Alexander Spielberger, Michael Loose, Fabian Michler, Christof Pfannenmüller and Thomas Kurin for preparing and supervising the booths!