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As expected, the demand for cooperative autonomous systems will continue to grow. This applies, for example, to passenger transport, aerial drones, cargo vehicles in industrial halls or machines in agriculture. The implementation of integrated communications and sensing technology can significantly increase safety and efficiency. Direct communication via the so-called sidelink is an important innovation for enabling autonomous mobility even in remote regions that do not have a high-performance mobile communications connection. By developing this technology at the German site, important aspects of data security and privacy can be taken into account in accordance with the high European data protection standards and built into the concepts. Thus, the project makes an important contribution to the technological sovereignty of Germany and Europe.

Within this project, the Chair of Electrical Smart City Systems focuses on investigations regarding fundamental interrelationships, dependencies, metrics, (transmission and evaluation) procedures and limitations of this Integrated Communications & Sensing (ICAS) technology. In addition, potential security risks fort he targeted mobility systems are identified and assessed. Analyses and tradeoff studies on achievable sensing quality (quality-of-sensing) with combined use of radar and sidelink communication and the mutual influence of sensing qualities on sidelink quality-of-service are performed.

Further information: https://www.forschung-it-sicherheit-kommunikationssysteme.de/projekte/6g-icas4mobility


Dr. Maximilian Lübke

Academic Councillor & Group Leader