Julian Motzelt and Maximilian Lübke win Wild Card

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Julian Motzelt, a student of FAU-chair Electrical Smart City Systems (ESCS) of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norman Franchi has won the wild card in the Altair Global Student Contest in the month of July.
With research on improving the performance of automotive radar antennas for vehicle-to-vehicle communication at a frequency of 77 GHz, which was done as part of his bachelor thesis, Julian Motzelt and his supervisor Maximilian Lübke managed to convince the jury. Using Altair WinProp, the two are able to show that significantly better performance in vehicle-to-vehicle communication can be achieved by optimizing the antenna pattern..

The application video shows a preview of the research results.

Maximilian Lübke

Academic Councillor & Group Leader

Julian Motzelt

Student Assistent