Philipp Reitz publishes research results

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The article “Evaluation of the Interference Performance of FMCW Radar Sensors in Dense Indoor Environments” was published in the IEEE Access journal.
Frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) radars are becoming increasingly important in industrial applications due to their low cost, simple signal processing, and high resolution. Sensor integration in networks is a feature to be implemented by the sixth generation of wireless mobile networks (6G). This paper investigates the interference behavior of FMCW radar sensors in a dense indoor scenario. In these environments, the reliability of the sensor system plays an important role, and disruption can have critical consequences, such as not recognizing a target, triggering a false alarm, or completely failing the sensor.

The article is available via Authored is the article by Philipp Reitz, Christian Künzle, Norman Franchi and Maximilian Lübke.

This work was supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany [Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)] as part of the project “6G-Access, Network of Networks, Automation & Simplification (6G-ANNA)” under Contract 16KISK084.


Philipp Reitz, M.Sc.

Researcher and PhD Student