Crash Course Robots: Autonomous Driving in the Smart City

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Today, the KinderUni Nürnberg was showing how young minds were exited on autonomous driving in the Smart City. Our “Crash Course Robots” took pupils at the age from 9 to 12 on a thrilling journey into the world of robotics, showcasing how autonomous machines have moved from science fiction into our daily lives.

From vacuum cleaning robots that tidy up our living rooms to driverless subways that transport passengers automatically, robots are revolutionizing our world.
In this hands-on course, we aimed to show that robotics and autonomy are not complicated rocket science but fascinating fields that can be mastered even by young students.

Using Lego Mindstorms®, the participants built their own small robots and put them to the test, exploring the boundaries of their autonomy.
The highlight of the event was the race of the autonomous vehicles. Unfortunately, two of the four cars were disqualified for leaving the track. The group that prevailed in the neck-and-neck race was thrilled and proud of the success of their development work, as they had to overcome several setbacks and continuously integrate new ideas into their vehicle.

It was an inspiring morning in Nuremberg filled with creativity, learning, and a lot of fun. We are proud to see so many young innovators dive into the world of robotics and we are happy to pass on our knowledge – knowing that we are motivating the engineers of tomorrow.
