Working group 6G Resilient by Design
As part of the project “Platform for Future Communication Technologies and 6G (6G Platform Germany)”, our chair supports the implementation of the German-European 6G program. A central goal of this program is to ensure the reliability, cybersecurity, trustworthiness and resilience of future communication networks. Resilient networks are able to autonomously detect disruptions during operation and initiate appropriate measures to guarantee a minimum level of service at all times. This applies in particular to unforeseen events such as natural disasters, cyber-attacks or the failure of system components.
To increase the resilience of future networks such as 6G, it will be necessary to integrate fundamental principles at all system levels. To drive this development forward, the “Resilient-by-Design” working group has been established as part of the 6G Platform Germany. It is led by Prof. Norman Franchi (FAU), Prof. Vahid Jamali (TU Darmstadt), Dr.-Ing. Joachim Sachs (Ericsson), and Friedemann Laue (FAU) and aims to achieve close cooperation between industry and academia. The goal is to ensure that industry-specific requirements are incorporated into 6G development at an early stage.
The working group already has more than 70 members from industry, academia, and authorities such as the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). A central goal is to develop a common understanding of resilient communication networks and systems and to provide corresponding recommendations for action. To this end, the working group holds regular meetings to discuss fundamental principles and new approaches.
New members interested in contributing to our work are always welcome.
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