Heinrich Milosiu

Prof. Dr. Heinrich Milosiu


Department of Electrical-Electronic-Communication Engineering
Chair of Electronics (Prof. Dr. Weigel)

Curriculum Vitae

  • Studied electrical engineering at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (1996 – 2002)
  • Since May 2002 research associate at the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS, Erlangen, Department of Integrated Circuits and Systems, RF and Microwave IC Design Group
  • December 2012: Doctorate in engineering sciences. Topic:: “Integrierter UHF-Funkempfänger mit niedrigem Stromverbrauch und geringer Antwortzeit für die störsichere Datenübertragung“. University advisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. habil. Robert Weigel, Institute for Electronics Engineering, FAU
  • Since 2014: Teaching assignments for ISF, LBE, and HFDAF
  • Since 2022: Examination authorization for ISF and LBE
  • September 2023: Appointment as honorary professor by the FAU President Prof. J. Hornegger

Working Field

  • Integrated RF IC design
  • Focus on UHF CMOS receiver development (0.4-2.4 GHz)
  • Ultra-low power design
  • System design


  • 2023: Second place teaching evaluation SS2023 (E5): Exercise Low-Power Biomedical Electronics (LBE)
  • 2022: Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Preises with Dr. Frank Oehler, and Dr. Markus Eppel: „Mit RFicient® ins Internet der Dinge – drahtlos, effizient, nachhaltig“
  • 2020: First place teaching evaluation WS2019/20 (E5): Low-Power Biomedical Electronics (LBE VORL)
  • 2019: First place teaching evaluation WS2018/19 (E5): Low-Power Biomedical Electronics (LBE VORL)


  • Wintersemester: Integrierte Schaltungen für Funkanwendungen (ISF): Vorlesung
  • Sommersemester: Low-Power Biomedical Electronics (LBE): Vorlesung und Übung