Lucas Fink

Lucas Fink, M. Sc.

Researcher and PhD Student

Chair of Electrical Smart City Systems
Group: Analog Mixed-Signal Circuit Design

Room: Raum 01.223

About Me

Building on his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and information technology at the University of Applied Sciences in Kempten, Lucas completed his master’s degree in electrical engineering-electronics-information technology with a focus on microelectronics at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg in August 2023. Since October 2023, Lucas has been working as a research assistant at the chair of Electrical Smart City Systems. His research interests include Analog-Mixed Signal Circuit Design.

Academic CV

since 10/2023 Research Associate and PhD Student
Chair for Electrical Smart City Systems
Department Elektrotechnik-Elektronik-Informationstechnik (FAU)
04/2021-06/2023 M.Sc. Electrical Engineering (EEI)
at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Master’s thesis: “Design of a Measurement Setup for Guiding Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles Using a Hybrid Magnetic Array”
10/2017-04/2021 B. Eng. in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
at University of Applied Sciences Kempten
Bachelor’s thesis: “Entwicklung eines Sensors zur Bestimmung der Ölqualität in Getrieben”


Research topics and interests

  • Analog-Mixed Signal Circuit Design
  • Neuromorphic Hardware




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