Stefan Schönhärl

Stefan Schönhärl, M. Sc.

Department of Electrical-Electronic-Communication Engineering
Chair of Electronics (Prof. Dr. Weigel)

Room: Raum 03.245
Cauerstraße 9
Cauerstrasse 9

curriculum vitae

Stefan completed his master’s degree in electrical engineering, electronics and information technology in January 2023 with distinction. Since February 2023 he has been a research assistant at the Chair of Technical Electronics in the RFIS (Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits) group.

Working areas

Stefan develops key components for future mobile communications systems. His focus is on high-frequency components for the D-band (110 GHz – 170 GHz) based on BiCMOS processes. In particular, he researches adjustable phase shifters, true-time delay elements and other components that are used for analog beam steering in multi-antenna systems.