Tobias Veihelmann

Christian Tobias Veihelmann, M. Sc.

Researcher and PhD Student

Department of Electrical-Electronic-Communication Engineering
Lehrstuhl für Elektrische Smart City-Systeme

Room: Raum 02.0321
Cauerstr. 7 / 2. OG
91058 Erlangen

About Me

Tobias graduated with honors with a master’s degree in Information Systems in June 2021 at the University of Bamberg, building on his bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from the FAU. After having gained practical experience in industrial companies, he joined the Chair of Electrical Smart City Systems in October 2022. His current research focuses on new approaches to energy transition targeting smart cities.

Academic CV

since 10/2022 Research Associate and PhD Student

Chair for Electrical Smart City Systems

Department Elektrotechnik-Elektronik-Informationstechnik (FAU)

10/2018-06/2021 M.Sc. in Information Systems
at University of Bamberg
Majors: Data Analytics/Machine Learning, Energy InformaticsMaster’s Thesis: “Social norms and their influence on learning behavior with online content – Results of a randomized controlled field trial”
10/2013-08/2017 B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering and Management
at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg
Majors: Forming Technology, Plastics, Sustainability ManagementBachelor‘s Thesis: “Engagement der Automobilhersteller beim Ausbau der Ladeinfrastruktur – Perspektiven des Geschäftsmodell-, Stakeholder- und Coopetition-Konzepts
02/2016-07/2016 Study Abroad Program at RMIT University, Melbourne

Research profile (Focus topics and interests)

  • Resilient energy systems
  • Smart Cities and renewable energy
  • IoT Technologies for Smart Cities


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  • Digital Transformation in the Energy and Mobility Sector (DITEM)

Student Theses