Vincent Lassen

Dipl.-Ing. Vincent Lassen, Dipl.-Ing.

FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Institute for Smart Electronics and Systems

Room: Raum 02.025
Cauerstr. 7
91058 Erlangen

Vincent Lassen is employed as a research assistant and PhD student at the Institute for Electric Smart City Systems (ESCS). After his mechanical engineering studies at Dresden University of Technology, he started a position as a research assistant at the Vodafone Chair under Gerhard Fettweis (TUD). His tasks included the research of XR technology (AR,MR,VR) and the practical integration in demos, as well as the creation of digital content for different projects.

since 09/2022 Researcher and PhD Candidate

Chair of Electrical Smart City Systems
Department Elektrotechnik-Elektronik-Informationstechnik (FAU)

12/2020-08/2022 Researcher

Vodafone Chair for Mobile Communications Systems
Dresden University of Technology (TUD)

10/2020-12/2020 Research Assistant

Professorship Agricultural Systems Engineering
Dresden University of Technology (TUD)

10/2014-09/2020 Dipl. -Ing. in Mechanical Engineering, “Augmented Reality in Agriculture”
Dresden University of Technology (TUD)Majors: Augmented Reality, App Development, Java, App Design
Diploma Thesis: “Use of augmented reality for autonomous vehicles in fruit production” 

  • Extended Reality Technologies (AR, VR, MR, XR)

  • No Awards

  • No Teaching

Year Name Title
2024 Marcel Neugebauer

Study on a simulation-driven lighting, irrigation and AC system deployed in a smart urban vertical farming concept aiming for self-sufficiency.
(Master Thesis)

2024 Hannah Steidl

Development of software features of a digital twin for 5G/6G networks (FP/RI)