Tag: startseite3

The CircuiTikZ package for the graphical drawing of circuits was largely developed at the Chair of Technical Electronics. In recent years, CircuiTikZ has become the quasi-standard for documenting circuits in Latex. In recent months, intensive work has been carried out on a new graphical user inte...

We are pleased to announce that our recent work ‘Coordinated Multipoint JCAS in 6G Mobile Networks’ was published in IEEE ACCESS. Joint communications and sensing (JCAS) is regarded as a key technology of 6G communications.

At the IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS2024) in Washington, DC, USA, one of the most important conferences worldwide in the field of high frequency and radio technology, our doctoral students were honored with two international awards.

On Friday, December 15th, the annual Strategic Collaboration Symposium (ESCS) of the Chair of Electrical Smart City Systems took place in the Orangery of the Schlossgarten.

The fifth generation of mobile communications, 5G, was not introduced until 2020. The 6G-ANNA industry project, in which FAU is also involved, aims to drive the emergence of 6G out of Germany and Europe.