Albert-Marcel Schrotz

Albert-Marcel Schrotz, M.Sc.

Academic Councillor and Groupleader

Institute for Smart Electronics and Systems

Room: Raum 03.238

Curriculum vitae

Albert-M. Schrotz successfully completed his studies in Mechatronics (B.Sc.) and Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Information Technology at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg in March 2019 with a Master of Science (M. Sc.) degree. Since May 2019, he has been a research assistant at the Chair of Technical Electronics in the RFMXIS group. Since February 2021, he has been team leader of the MXIS team, which has been operating as an independent group since July 2022. Since July 2022 he is group leader of the Mixed-Signal-Integrated-Systems (MXIS) group.

Areas of Interest

  • RF Chipdesign (upto 325 GHz)
  • RF System Engineering
  • ADC/DAC Design
  • FPGAs






  • Breun, S., Völkel, M., Schrotz, A.-M., Dietz, M., Issakov, V., & Weigel, R. (2020). A Low-Power 14% FTR Push-Push D-Band VCO in 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS Technology with -178 dBc/Hz FOMT. In Proceedings of the RWW 2020.
  • Carlowitz, C., Vossiek, M., Girg, T., Dietz, M., Schrotz, A.-M., Maiwald, T.,... Berroth, M. (2020). SPARS — Simultaneous Phase and Amplitude Regenerative Sampling. In Rolf Kraemer, Stefan Scholz (Eds.), Wireless 100 Gbps And Beyond. Architectures, Approaches and Findings of German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority Programme SPP1655. (pp. 37-74). Frankfurt/Oder: IHP GmbH, Im Technologiepark 25, Frankfurt (Oder).
  • Maiwald, T., Schrotz, A.-M., Kolb, K., Potschka, J., Dietz, M., Hagelauer, A.M., & Weigel, R. (2020). A Technology Independent Synthesis Approach for Integrated mmWave Coupled Line Circuits. In Proceedings of the IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium. San Antonio, Texas, US.